

mit Anna Banana, Murray Epstein, Bill Gaglione, E.T. Simon, Dale Soules:

5 to 7 mins. (With Bill Gaglione, Joe Rossman, E.T. Simon, Dadaland) /Lautgedichte von den AUDIO-PLAYERS, Eric Joans u. a./, auf: BREATHINGSPACE/79. An international anthology of sound-text and other extensions of poetry. Washington, D. C. 1979, Watershed Tapes, Touchstone series, C-2003. Audiocassette

Sound. Adepted by Francesco Cangiullo "sintesi", auf: GLISTEN. vec audio. Programm 4, Maastricht 1979. Audiocassette

/Lautgedichte/, auf: GATHERED HEAR 6. VEC audio exchange Nr. VI. Maastricht o. J.. Audiocassette

open wide and say ahh, auf: SEP + TIC. VEC AUDIO EXCHANGE. Maastricht o. J.. Nr. 7, Audiocassette

A FUTURIST OCTET. San Francisco 1978 /Balla, Cangiullo, Carli, Depero, Marinetti/

mit Anna Banana, Murray E., Bill Gaglione, Dawn Rose Gaglione, Victoria Kirby, E.T. Simon, Chuck Waltz:

TOWARDS THE FUTURE. Guerneville, CA. 1979 Audiocassette /U. Boccioni, B. Corra & E. Settimelli, R. Chiti & E. Settimelli, A. Corradini & E. Settimelli, Mario Dessy, Paulo Buzzi, A. Corradini & B. Corra, Balilla Pratella/

mit Anna Banana, Murray E., Victoria Kirby, E. T. Simon)

Open Wide and Say Ahhhh. Moans, Groans, Yawns and Sighs. Sounds and Motions. A Chuckle, A Groan, auf: AUDIOPLAYERS: SOUNDINGS. San Francisco 1980, Banana Productions. Audiocassette

Siehe auch Giacomo Balla , Fortunato Depero

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